
I was compelled to spread the paint for the first time in the summer of 2012. To inspire a woman to laugh - relax and to bring forth the foods for healing. The unique mandalas and paintings have been prophetic - healing and helped people to make a breakthrough. Art and its colors can unlock the potential of people and children. Mandalas for different people nations and cultures - helping you to liberate the love within you. If you would like a unique painting just for you - if you require divine guidance - or feel drawn to any of the artworks. I am happy to discuss it with you. The banner has been raised for the nations in immeasurable love.

Monday 20 October 2014

Mashiach Mandala Artist

I was shown a vision of a person watching this artist spreading the paint in the sunshine in the garden.

Hence this template feels appropriate for this blog to share some of the mandala art, healing and other paintings. I like to add music to my artistic posts as well, so I hope that you enjoy the music that accompanies the original artwork.


The spreading of paint began in the summer of 2012, when I began to paint for a lady to make her smile. As far as I am aware, she still has the paintings of the fruit that I gave her; to inspire and remind her to eat the specific fruits, that had been given divinely, to improve her health and state of being.

After that, I began to spread the paint for mandala, healing paintings and prophetic art. My lounge was covered in paintings and the colorfulness. The only word that I could say was, GLORYFUL and it became a new word in divine gorgeousness of my heavenly reality.

Since the summer of 2012, mandala paintings have been gifted to people in America,  Canada, Holland, Japan and the UK. Sometimes I paint everyday, sometimes I paint three a day, it just depends how compelled I am.

The original artwork was sent to Japan


Everyone seems to love the scans that have been sent by email when the scanner is working. I do have to get my computer to the technician and get the scanner sorted out. However, due to the LORD saying, 'mandala artist, mandala artist', I've been compelled to launch this blog ahead of the new solar eclipse energies that are coming in for the 23rd October, 2014.

Today is the 20th of October, 2014 and that is the 'Day of Influence' and tomorrow is the 'Day of Difference'. These paintings do make a difference to people's lives, just like they've made an awesome difference to my life.

The impact of the paintings have been magnificent, completely joyous and resplendently peaceful to do.


I spread the paint for all ages, and all types of celebrations whether its a birth, or a wedding. I've even spread the paint for a child that couldn't be found, so that the child could be located. Of course, I also spread the paint for the children in Nigeria as well as the children in Nepal.

Due to being a professional clairvoyant in the years gone by, (with an international clientele) sometimes I do receive divine messages while painting. These messages are passed on, when I receive them for the person that I have spread the paint for.

The paintings are usually A4, although I do paint at A3 as well. The reason I paint on card at A4 size, is due to it being easy to spread the acrylic paint on card, and easy to scan. I can scan them myself at home, and that makes it very convenient.

I have spread the acrylic paint on canvas, although my preference is card. The most recent painting is for a new baby boy, and the paint is being spread on cork board. I haven't finished the painting yet. I am just sitting with it, and its energies until I feel inspired to finish it.

So I am trying different materials and textures to see how comfortable it feels. I have 100's of paintings, and did offer some to the riding for the disabled. I might also put some in paper mache, and see what transpires.

As I have written to date, all paintings have been given freely. If I am to continue to give the originals freely, then I require a sponsor or sponsors for the mashiach mandala artist.

Or people could purchase the paintings if people like those that are featured. I am happy to accept commissions for paintings, and they're always a surprise, even to me.


One chap even made his mandala his logo on his letterhead. It looks super at the small size, and really colorful.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Love beyond measure

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