
I was compelled to spread the paint for the first time in the summer of 2012. To inspire a woman to laugh - relax and to bring forth the foods for healing. The unique mandalas and paintings have been prophetic - healing and helped people to make a breakthrough. Art and its colors can unlock the potential of people and children. Mandalas for different people nations and cultures - helping you to liberate the love within you. If you would like a unique painting just for you - if you require divine guidance - or feel drawn to any of the artworks. I am happy to discuss it with you. The banner has been raised for the nations in immeasurable love.

Wednesday 10 December 2014



When my son was born it was a gift of great love.

A true blessing in my life after a period of overcoming serious life conditions.

When he was a child he used to pick flowers on his way home from school

and give them to his mum.

When he became an adult they tried to take my son into the military.

Zion defended her son and showed him how to access what his motivations were.

He did not go into the military - he found his heart again.

Then we did a value chart together to access his inner self.

To find out what his soul was yearning for.

Then he saw the words that he had written.

He wrote the words and he understood what those words meant.

His words gave us specific options for direction and career life path.

It had to be something in caring or the teaching professions.

Due to his compassion.

I spread the paint for my son to help him make a breakthrough in his life.

As he had experienced unemployment for 50% of his working life.


Painting size A4

He considered his options - and wisdom offered him a solution.

During his life whenever he took wisdom's advice on board - he prospered.

He is now training to be a teacher of children.

It began during his first saturn return.

A time in your life when review happens - and your life can change.

Saturn is also the planet of the teacher.

Some days he is at college and some days he is at school.

His love and light is in the community where he walks.

Smiles happily and gives of himself.

He often kisses and gently touches my head.

He appreciates that once he is qualified.

The world is his oyster.

He will be able to go anywhere that requires his skills and talents.

He is peaceful - he is love.

Did you give your children a gift of love.

Did you give your children what can help them with their breakthroughs.

Did you inspire your children and show the children the upright way.

Did you show the children mercy and compassionate action.

Children learn what they live.

Tuesday 9 December 2014




This A4 artwork was gifted to a man that asked yours truly to be his Advocate.

While I was spreading the paint - I had the intention of his healing in my heart.

He was blessed to sing and play a guitar. 

He also wrote songs.

The mandala is like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Zion defends.

He was held in heavens arms.

Will was so happy with his painting.


Friday 5 December 2014




The paint was spread for an American Christian in 2012.
It looked like a Christmas tree - so I called it a 'Tree of Life'.
A scan of it was sent to Marianne.

2012 was the end of the world as people have known it.
A lot has happened since then across the planet.
How many did the will of God.


It is the 'Christmas of Judgment'.


I remember when I was a child growing up in London.

There was no electricity to get cut off in those days.

I still remember going up stairs to bed with aunt Mary and uncle Bill 

before they moved to Hoxton. They never had any children of their own. 

So the little girl was special to them.

They were holding a candle of light so that we could see our way up the stairs.

When I was older - I remember the Son of Joseph teaching me about the 

'Match girls' and how children once worked on the streets in England.

The  RAB taught me how to defend the children in a debate - that was being held in class.

He prepared me and we practiced together - until I was ready.

Teach a child the way -  and they will always remember it.

Zion defends the 'oppressed'. 

I remember when my parents couldn't afford a Christmas tree due to the tax man.

My mother brought home a branch from the park.

She brought it home and painted it white. 

Then she decorated it with some sparkly silver dust.

And added the little lights to it.

I will always remember those little white branches that lit up the room.

White bare branches with no green leaves upon them.

In October 2014 

I had a dream and there was a woman in a white fur coat.

She gave me a squared 20 pound note and put it in my right hand.

She closed my hand around it and said 'Buy yourself something for Christmas'.

That then reminds me of this song from Matchbox 20.

The Matchbox girls and the 20 squared note.

Across America the people are protesting 'Black Matters'.

They've put up their banners 'Put your hands up'

So I put up the radiant hands that have been blessed.


While I was posting today - I saw an energetic dolphin appear in front of me.

A Dolphin of Joy

In my own mandala's there are also boxes;

 to remind us of the teaching about the children.


The paint for this golden energy mandala was spread.
I woke up in the morning and saw the 
most incredible golden energy
appear before me.

Another reminder of the divine joy that was a great blessing.


I can live in the joy and the peace of it.

In Hoxton - the New Era - The Stag -v- Westbrook.



The Vatican has announced its found millions tucked away.

Where did they find it - in a Swiss bank account.

Or did they have a pay day.

Pay day is coming for the meek.

For Jesus was correct - the meek shall inherit the earth.

They shall pay and the cost will be very high indeed.

Sunday 30 November 2014













Apologies for the quality of the scans.

I only began painting in 2012 

and these are some of the early paintings.

Friday 28 November 2014


The LORD asked for 'Samosa's'.

I did the will of the LORD.

I cooked the flour and the oil.

I also spread the paint.

A humble sabbath meal for the humble hearted.

In Burma it is 'samusa'

Clearly connected with the muses and moses.

For the blessed children.


Love beyond measure

Always in my heart.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Ancient Mosiac Mandalas



Some stunning must see - ancient Greek mosiacs unearthed on the Syrian border. The mosiac mandalas have been dated with the ancient Greek city of 2000 years ago. The nine muses. In one of the mosiacs there is a lot of browns and golds. Hence the posting of the Autumn mandala.



The city found and its mosiacs also links in with the timeline of the ancient Buddhist-Greco city that existed near the border of modern day Afghanistan. In the remnants of the city where these busts were found. The most incredibly accurate depiction of Jesus.

A young American Christian was asking about Jesus and freedom. I reminded him about the merchant and the pearl - and what is recorded that he said in its respect.

In the parable what was he asking the merchant to give for the pearl. What was he asking the merchant to give for the attainment of wisdom. Was he aware that in the prophecies of Jesus - he predicted that wisdom would come in the last days of the end times. It if came in the 2nd or 3rd watch - than humanity would be blessed.

Scripture shares with you that wisdom gives the best return on investment - and the one that gets wisdom loves life. The one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper. Wisdom is a tree of life - and all her paths are peace. In her wisdom and insight she understands more than people know.

Monday 24 November 2014

England's Heart Paintings

Some say that the heart of the planet is in England - there are certainly a lot of beautiful hearts.


February 2014


Mandalaband England's Heart and Soul 

Absolutely beautiful music 


Queen of Hearts 
June 2014


May 2014 


All the above paintings are A4 in size.

Would you like a heart painting.

Prophetic Art


June 2013 
Size A4
I apologize for the quality of the scan of the artwork.

Saturday 22 November 2014




Some of the recent mandalas have golden fish in them and so it brings our attention to the new era of the fish farms. In the Autumn mandala I can see a blue circular lake - it could be a circular swimming pool that could be utilized for farming fish. 

As I see the golden fish going into the blue - and that is how the fish creates the cross. Fresh water fish like scottish salmon. In the leaves I see the energy of nuts and seeds and the flowering of the realities to do with food - essences and oils for healing. There is no greater oil for the bones than fish oil - and that is why the children in London were led to it for their bones in Victorian times. Remember cod liver oil - and how it was discovered. Its an incredible story! 


Its amazing what people can discover - when they find themselves in a position - whereby they have no choice but to find the solutions. The mandala above is like a floral crown and I like it very much indeed. There are links with this mandala above and an historical monastery; and there are sacred sites in the area where the people live in the countryside.

I spoke to the woman this evening that this mandala is for; and she confirmed that her partner is very involved with fishing. So the mandala was accurate for the couple. Although I hadn't spoken to her for years.


1 million pounds of food can be grown on 3 acres of land. 10000 fish a year delivered on this fish farm  in the video below. That's amazing potential for any farmer and for the people in communities; that come together to work together. To feed the people that require feeding. How great it is - that such an ecological alternative as come to be in America. Some eco farms in other countries have also taken on the fish farming idea.


November 2014 

Especially as North America experiences 'acid rain' and is experiencing 'radiation'. Now there is an alternative and food can be grown inside on a small amount of land. Of course you don't have to build a fish farm as big as this one in the video. I have seen videos of smaller fish farms that people are building on their land. There are now over a million people in America living off the grid. Ecologically and self-sustainably. You don't hear about that positive news now do you. 

Its no surprise that farming and healing foods were so strong with yours truly this year. I just read a post of how a man and his wife really enjoyed the Barley Orange recipe that was recommended for him and his intestines. 


I like fish do you. I am especially enjoying smoked mackerel when I can afford it - as salmon has soared beyond my price bracket at the moment. 

Some vegetarians don't eat fish or as they say 'anything with a face'. However - fish is incredibly important for children and their healthy growth. I still maintain that the Creator gave us fish and birds to eat. Although we don't eat eagles. 



This paint was spread for the NEW in the summer of 2014.

Size A4 

I dedicate the scan of this artwork to mums and everyone 

at New Era - Hoxton.

Zion supports your cause.


Hoxton a location in east London where these little feet walked.

And did those feet in ancient times. 

A place where my family lived.

Grandmother Sophia and grandfather.

Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill

Lived in Hoxton.

May you all be blessed in Hoxton.

May you be a new era of community where the flowers can blossom.

May you be filled with love - light and social justice beyond measure.

May you be a beacon of human rights for east London.

May you be soul stars and shine brightly from your hearts.

May our historical heritage at Hoxton remain in tact for the people - 
 that it was built and intended for.

May the strength of the people in east London uphold the communities.

May you sing it from the roof tops.

We shall not be moved.

May the LORD bless you all

and light up Hoxton with the power of his love.


Wednesday 19 November 2014


This overseer of souls received a message for a young man in America - and I said that I would do a painting for him to remind him of the message and the person that delivered it. As soon as I gave him the message - he responded immediately and could accept the message that he had been given. 

Something that had been important between he and his mother - resonated with his heart. Only he and his family knew about it. 

In the painting there is a tree of berries - and after the painting was scanned; I could suddenly see a little image of Jesus at the bottom of the tree. It always amazes me when such wonders appear in the artworks. He has his arms up on the tree and he is wearing a loin cloth. 

When I hold the painting in my hand - at the top of the centre of the tree; A woman's face has emerged. A very beautiful woman - wearing eye liner - and her long hair is piled high on top of her head. 

To the left of the painting I could the face of a baby emerging-  and I can also see a toy like a little 'gremlin' soft toy. Like you would find in a disney type shop that has cartoon energy of Mickey Mouse. 

Hence there is links in this painting with people that are involved in Hollywood type creations and it clearly holds memories of childhood.  I can also see a pair of goggles on the left. On the right of the tree it is more soft cuddly teddy bear energy - and baby elephants. More spiritual in its feeling of kindness; and I can see a koala. My sense is that this indicates that he will go on a spiritual journey to Australia at some point in his life. Australia will be calling him - when he is ready.


Paint spread in November 2014 - Size A4
Scan gifted.

I see the letter 'E' in the painting. Two of them back to back. Two different realities and pearl barley is our champion vitamin E food.

In the ancient pictographs the sound of 'e' is the 'hey' and Jeff Benner (author of the Hebrew Lexicon) describes the symbol of a man with his arms up in the air when he says 'behold it is a sign'. Just like when a bird comes to perch on your tree to give you a message. The brown hawk will always be an important memory to this young man and how the messages can come in so many different ways. How biblically this young Christian is being reminded of the teachings of nature; that Jesus and the prophets were known to teach.

If I look at the mandala in a very small size - I can see the head of a bird and in October 2014 the paint was spread for brown feather wings. Hence there is strong energies of nature and St Francis with this young man.

October 2014 
The painting indicated a new flight. 
Brown feather is about music -  sing to them dear heart - sing to them.

(EDIT: Since this painting was posted. There has been news that
Motown singer - Jimmi Ruffin has passed over.
The American Righteous Brothers sang of how
Jimmi would come to England.
Indeed he did - truly Jimmi - a soul star)

Brown Feather 

I've called the mandala painting the 'Berry Mandala' due to it having berries in the painting. As we know there are berries that you can eat and there are berries that you can't. Its important that children understand the difference between the berries. It is written that America is the largest producer of berries - and berries come from a single ovary.

The more that I look at the mandala - the more that I can see. And I do see an elk looking straight at me. The elk defending the tree of life.

Around the mandala is a golden ring - a band of gold -  a married man. Then there is the sunshine energy of the people that really do love him.  Sometimes through difficult times -  we find new meaning to our lives; and meaning that is beyond where the person was before in their reality. We can connect with people in a more meaningful way - when people themselves have moved beyond appearances.

I've always felt a strong heart connection with the young man that this mandala is for -  and he is still on my radar for the time being. He has a humble heart - and he is respectful of others and where they're coming from. A young man that has grown in his strength like a tree. Much love to him - his wife and children.



Paint spread for a woman in Portugal.
November 2014 
Size A4

Interesting that in her last email - the lady said that she had found the 
meditation of the heart. I asked her to listen to it with her children.

There is strong sacred mother energy in this painting.
The co-creators that carry and deliver the child.

There is fruit and veg in the painting and it includes beetroot.

The golden fish created the mother in the fish.

The feminine energy.


This mother has a strong connection with Magdalene
and Princess Diana.

Magdalene baby massage.

Aromatherapy oils.

Vibrational medicine 

There is a ring of turquoise water of transformation around her.

Green leaves that surround her for health and healing.

Leaves are for healing the nations.

Fish farm. Four fish helping her.

There is pink pointing to the throat and its about communication.

Farming community and its children.

Every mandala is unique.

Would you like a mandala especially for you.

Or a healing painting.

What do you require.

Do you require unlocking.

Currently we are unlocking the water signs.



Original artwork A4

Scan gifted to Canada

Inspired for Maple and Radio Interviews.

The colours are yellow for creativity.

Orange for Zest

It has two orange rings.

A sacred hoop and a ring. 

A ring can be a bell 

The sound of a voice.

There are lots of points and sunshine energy.

In tune with planetary vibrations.

Maple is a food that pours out of a tree.

Golden energy of sweetness.

The mandala is surrounded in a gentle soft wind.

Like a stream that trickles.

The wind gently moves the Maple into its direction.

I see two birds in the wind of the mandala.

One bird is leaving and another is arriving.

Would you like your own mandala.

Each mandala is unique.



November 2014

Original artwork A4 

'Battle of Migdal'

Jesus ben Shafat -v- Rome

In the centre the figure of a man as emerged from the painting
like a Rabbi wearing a tall hat.

Monday 17 November 2014


I was compelled to spread the paint for a couple in England in October 2014.

Sometimes people are sent into your life,
 and you know in your heart, that it has important purpose and reason being.
Sometimes they stay for a season, sometimes for many seasons,
sometimes for a lifetime.


When life takes you into a different direction for the next phase of the journey, you also know that has a reason for being. Teachers and students, students and teachers, we were all blessed in more ways than one. We travelled so far and wide abroad, as predicted, spreading the message of peace, love and healing.


In the mandala painting I see golden leaves of autumn, I see the wood grain that represents the tree of life, and a person that is written in my book of life. I see how the seeds blossomed in all directions. I also see golden fish that arrive for the water from the fountain. I see a lake and four golden fishes going into it. It looks like its time for the fish farm.

The expert of healing animals is often in my thoughts, as I know that I remain in hers. Two strong women that made it work.

A decade of laughter and joy shared. I am so happy, that she is happy. Brown is a color that is associated with the monks of St Francis. The farm and its owners surely do have a strong St Francis presence. There are orders that are beyond orders, orders beyond Churches, orders that are truly divine.

Painting to Screen

A wonderful introduction of how a painting inspired the film, of a real historical story.

How a remarkable young woman came to live amongst the British aristocracy, due to birth, and change the future of a nation. What is also a great treasure of the facts is that a new British film director of the same color became the director of the film BELLE. A treble victory!

It truly is a a great victory for artists historically, when directors can be inspired by the artists work, to tell the real story. I consider it a great honor for the English, that people have helped this film to be made for the big screen. It inspires the continuation of the great work to assist humanity with its breakthroughs.


It compels the unlocking of the great treasure of the pearl of great price, and the wisdom it conveys. 

The creative potential to share the real story, as it unfolded before humanity, and wisdom that was blessed with it. May the one that is cherished with understanding, prosper in the light of truth that must be shared with the children of the world. The one that gets wisdom loves life.




Land of England, Land of Joseph



As I used to say to the healing angels, onwards and upwards.


Sunday 16 November 2014


Mandalas with a purpose and a reason.


Painting gifted to a Canadian

David and Integrity of Heart




To find the child

Gifted to grandmother for British child

Saturday 15 November 2014


I was looking in the files for a painting to upload on my other blog and I came across the painting titled,  Tree House and it reminded me of a nut.

Then I found this painting. The paint was spread in July 2014





Wednesday 12 November 2014



13th March 2014 


17th April 2014


2nd August 2014 

1st May 2013



29th May 2013

If you are interested in any of the ORIGINAL artworks, 
just ask away.

All the above paintings are size A4.

I also spread the paint to A3 size,
 and one the most recent paintings is on cork,
 for a new born baby and their soul journey.